DIY frozen smoothie packs.

If you find yourself feeling that there’s never enough hours in the day then the good news is you’re not alone. Sixty-two-percent of women who took part in a  Women’s Wellbeing Survey say they struggle to get everything they need to get done in a single day.  To make matters worse a staggering 74 percent of women surveyed said these time pressures make it especially hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I fall smack-bang in the middle of these stats and that’s probably why my healthy eating is the first thing to go when time gets tight. So to try and get my eating back on track I’ve decided to make some small changes that I’m sure will have big benefits. 

For starters I’ve just made a big batch of my favourite Frozen Smoothie Packs and wanted to share them with you today. These packs are great because they’re single portion serves so when you’re in a hurry you just grab one out of the freezer, add a tub of yoghurt and milk, almond milk or coconut water, blitz in a blender and voila!  They’re also great for using up any left over salad greens and fruit and are perfect for adding extra goodies like LSA, seeds, nuts and even protein powder if you feel you need an extra boost. 

See how easy they are to make in the short video below and scroll down for my three favourite recipes. 


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